Wales is a Principality within the United Kingdom and has an eastern border with England. The land area is just over 8,000 square miles. Snowdon is the highest mountain at 3,650 feet. The coastline is almost 750 miles long. The population of Wales as at the 2001 census is 2,946,200.



Theosophy Wales is pleased to present

general pages about Wales, Welsh History

and The History of Theosophy in Wales



The Act of Union



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The Act of Union with Wales came about between the years 1536 and 1543 as a result of a series of laws passed in the English Parliament during the reign of King Henry VIII (1509 – 1547).


Wales had been under the control of the English Kings since the conquests of Edward I (1272 - 1307) and had been ruled as a principality without representation at an English parliament. Some areas were ruled by Marcher Lords (the Marches of Chester, Shrewsbury and Hereford) with their own courts. This meant that some laws were different in Wales to those in England.


Following the Battle of Bosworth Field in 1485 and Henry VII's (1485 – 1509) victory there the links between the two countries became a little stronger. Henry was Welsh and many of his followers were from Wales. Henry Tudor was born at Pembroke Castle, South West Wales


The second Tudor monarch, Henry VIII was concerned that some of the Welsh lords were against his Split with Rome and there was evidence to suggest that some of the Marcher Lords were harboring English criminals. To combat this, and to protect the Welsh coast from a French or Spanish invasion, Henry opted to take a firmer grip on the Principality and effectively annex Wales as part of unified England and Wales state with the same laws and administrative systems.


The Act of Union, in reality a series of laws, meant that Wales was to be represented in English parliaments. It also meant that English, not Welsh, was to be the first language of the country at a time when about 95% of the people in Wales spoke Welsh. It meant that it was almost impossible to get a government job without being able to speak English and the affairs of state were conducted in English. Church services were conducted in English only replacing Latin after 1551 but and it took over 30 years to obtain a change in the law which allowed services in Welsh.


These moves presented a serious challenge to the Welsh language and are still resented by some Welsh people today although Welsh has survived and has enjoyed a revival in recent years.



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For more info on Theosophy

Try these


Cardiff Theosophical Society meetings are informal

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The Cardiff Theosophical Society Website




The National Wales Theosophy Website


Dave’s Streetwise Theosophy Boards

The Theosophy Website that

Welcomes Absolute Beginners

Theosophy Study Groups are invited to make

 free use any of the material on this site


Wales! Wales! Theosophy Wales

The All Wales Guide to

 Getting Started in Theosophy

This is for everybody not just people in Wales


Hey Look!

Theosophy in Cardiff


Theosophy in Wales

The Grand Tour


Theosophy Avalon

The Theosophy Wales

King Arthur Pages


Theosophy Cardiff’s Instant Guide to Theosophy


Cardiff Theosophy Start-Up

A Free Intro to Theosophy


Cardiff Theosophical Archive


Theosophy UK


Cardiff Theosophical Order of Service (TOS)


Ocean of Theosophy

William Quan Judge



Ernest Egerton Wood





Theosophy in the UK


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The New Rock ‘n Roll


The Key to Theosophy


The Voice of the Silence







No Aardvarks were harmed in the

preparation of this Website

Includes stuff about Marlon Brando, Old cars, 

Odeon Cinema Burnley, Heavy Metal, Wales, 

Cups of Tea, Mrs Trellis of North Wales.




Heavy Metal Overview




Rock ‘n Roll Chronology


The Blavatsky Blogger’s

Instant Guide To

Death & The Afterlife


H P Blavatsky and The Masters

Her Teachers Morya & Koot Hoomi


Theosophy and the Number Seven

A selection of articles relating to the esoteric

significance of the Number 7 in Theosophy


Death & How to Get Through It

Lentil burgers, a thousand press ups before breakfast and

the daily 25 mile run may put it off for a while but death

seems to get most of us in the end. We are pleased to

present for your consideration, a definitive work on the

subject by a Student of Katherine Tingley entitled

“Man After Death”




Bangor Pier

Bangor, North Wales Coast





Bangor Quaker Meeting House




The South of Heaven Guide to

 Theosophy and Devachan


The South of Heaven Guide

To Theosophy and Dreams


The South of Heaven Guide

To Theosophy and Angels


Theosophy and Help From

The Universe




Visit the Feelgood Lodge

The main criteria for the inclusion of

links on this site is that they have some

relationship (however tenuous) to Theosophy

and are lightweight, amusing or entertaining.

Topics include Quantum Theory and Socks,

Dick Dastardly and Legendary Blues Singers.


Theosophy Avalon

The Theosophy Wales

King Arthur Pages


The Tooting Broadway

Underground Theosophy Website

The Spiritual Home of Urban Theosophy


The Mornington Crescent

Underground Theosophy Website

The Earth Base for Evolutionary Theosophy



Classic Introductory Theosophy Text

A Text Book of Theosophy By C W Leadbeater


What Theosophy Is  From the Absolute to Man


The Formation of a Solar System  The Evolution of Life


The Constitution of Man  After Death  Reincarnation


The Purpose of Life  The Planetary Chains


The Result of Theosophical Study



Elementary Theosophy

An Outstanding Introduction to Theosophy

By a student of Katherine Tingley


Elementary Theosophy Who is the Man?  Body and Soul


Body, Soul and Spirit  Reincarnation  Karma


The Seven in Man and Nature


The Meaning of Death



The Ocean of Theosophy

William Quan Judge


Preface    Theosophy and the Masters    General Principles


The Earth Chain    Body and Astral Body    Kama – Desire


Manas    Of Reincarnation    Reincarnation Continued


Karma    Kama Loka    Devachan    Cycles


Septenary Constitution Of Man


Arguments Supporting Reincarnation


Differentiation Of Species Missing Links


Psychic Laws, Forces, and Phenomena


Psychic Phenomena and Spiritualism



Instant Guide to Theosophy

Quick Explanations with Links to More Detailed Info


What is Theosophy ? Theosophy Defined (More Detail)


Three Fundamental Propositions  Key Concepts of Theosophy


Cosmogenesis  Anthropogenesis  Root Races  Karma


Ascended Masters  After Death States  Reincarnation


The Seven Principles of Man  Helena Petrovna Blavatsky


Colonel Henry Steel Olcott William Quan Judge


The Start of the Theosophical Society Theosophical Society Presidents


History of the Theosophical Society  Glossaries of Theosophical Terms


History of the Theosophical Society in Wales


The Three Objectives of the Theosophical Society


Explanation of the Theosophical Society Emblem



An Outline of Theosophy

Charles Webster Leadbeater


Theosophy - What it is  How is it Known?  The Method of Observation


General Principles  The Three Great Truths  The Deity


Advantage Gained from this Knowledge  The Divine Scheme


The Constitution of Man  The True Man  Reincarnation


The Wider Outlook  Death  Man’s Past and Future


Cause and Effect  What Theosophy does for us




A Study in Karma

Annie Besant


Karma  Fundamental Principles  Laws: Natural and Man-Made  The Law of Laws


The Eternal Now  Succession  Causation The Laws of Nature  A Lesson of The Law


Karma Does Not Crush  Apply This Law  Man in The Three Worlds  Understand The Truth


Man and His Surroundings  The Three Fates  The Pair of Triplets  Thought, The Builder


Practical Meditation  Will and Desire  The Mastery of Desire  Two Other Points


The Third Thread  Perfect Justice  Our Environment  Our Kith and Kin  Our Nation


The Light for a Good Man  Knowledge of Law  The Opposing Schools


The More Modern View  Self-Examination  Out of the Past


Old Friendships  We Grow By Giving  Collective Karma  Family Karma


National Karma  India’s Karma  National Disasters




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Finding Stuff in Wales


National & Regional Wales Web Directories




Wales Index




The Valley Connection

 Web Directory For Wales


Open Directory (Wales UK)

 Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: Wales


Wales Pages

 Search Engine and Web Directory for Wales, UK



Welsh Regions


South Wales Index


North Wales Index

North Wales Regional Directory

The Hub, Off London Road

Denbighshire, North Wales, UK. LL21 – 0DD


West Wales Index


West Wales Web


Mid Wales Index





Theosophy in Wales


Theosophy UK