
A Study in

Synthetic Consciousness


George Sidney Arundale


First published 1926


Dr George S Arundale

1878 - 1945


Dr Arundale was International President of

the Theosophical Society (Adyar) from 1933 to 1945



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The Staff


The Servers








When the Human Kingdom is traversed, and man stands on the threshold of His superhuman life, a liberated Spirit, seven paths open before Him for His choosing: He may enter into the blissful omniscience and omnipotence of Nirvana, with activities far beyond our knowing, to become, perchance, in some future world an Avatara, or divine Incarnation; this is sometimes called “taking the Dharmakaya vesture “. He may enter on the “Spiritual Period” - a phrase covering unknown meanings, among them probably that of “taking the Sambhogakaya vesture”.


He may become part of that treasure-house of spiritual forces on which the Agents of the Logos draw for Their work, “taking the Nirmanakaya vesture”. He may remain a member of the Occult Hierarchy which rules and guards the world in which He has reached perfection. He may pass on to the next Chain, to aid in

building up its forms. He may enter the splendid Angel or Deva Evolution.


He may give Himself to the immediate service of the Logos, to be used by Him in any part of the Solar System, His Servant and Messenger, who lives but to carry out His will and do His work over the whole of the system which He rules.


As a General has his staff, the members of which carry his messages to any part of the field, so are These the Staff of Him who commands all, “Ministers of His that do His pleasure”. This seems to be considered a very hard Path, perhaps the greatest sacrifice open to the Adept, and is therefore regarded as carrying

with it great distinction. A member of the General Staff has no physical body, but makes one for Himself by Kriyashakti - the “power to make” - of the matter of the globe to which He is sent. The Staff contains Beings at very different levels, from that of Arhatship upwards.



I REFER my readers to the exhaustive account given of these workers in The Lives of Alcyone by Annie Besant and C. W. Leadbeater, in the “Foreword”. This “Foreword” may also be found in The Theosophist, September, 1913.65]



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